Medical Director's Office, Middle Dept. 8th Army Corps, Baltimore, Md., [begin handwritten text] January 23d [end handwritten text] 186 [begin handwritten text] 5 Asst. Surgeon R. B. McKee U.S. Vol. First Del. Cavalry, Monrovia, Md. [end handwritten text] Sir: No Report of [begin handwritten text] Sick and Wounded [end handwritten text] for the [begin handwritten text] week [end handwritten text] ending [begin handwritten text] Saturday Jan. 21st [end handwritten text] 186 [begin handwritten text] 5 [end handwritten text] has been received from you. You will have this report made out and forwarded to this Office without delay. Very Respectfully Your Obedient Servant, [signature] J Simpson Surgeon U.S. Army, Medical Director