Tracking alignments for a photovoltaic concentrating system

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University of Delaware
A novel concentrator has recently been proposed by Dr. Charles Ih [1]. The concentrator can greatly reduce the cost of the grid-tied photovoltaic system by only using a simple 1-D tracking system. In the new system, the number of solar cells used is reduced. The panel structure and tracking mechanism are simplified as they take advantage of the special properties of the small frame Fresnel lens and a special tracking arrangement. The great cost reduction is the result of eliminating the N-S tracking completely, and more important, the tracking error tolerance is improved. The techniques are unique to the proposed concentrator but not effective in the more conventional 2-D concentrators. Since the proposed concentrator is effective for the silicon cells, it can meet or exceed the SAI’ goal in the near future, i.e making the cost equal to or lower than that of conventional sources. The immediate benefits are, reducing silicon usage (cost) by 95%, increasing collecting efficiency by 20% and reducing the system cost by two thirds [1]. These advantages will help to accelerate the popularization of photovoltaic systems and let people enjoy the benefit of the photovoltaic energy system. The system is much easier to maintain and repair, as most of the materials can be recycled. The system also has the capability of being upgraded when efficiency cells become generally and economically available in the future. Unlike other concentrating systems, a special tracking methodology is needed. This thesis describes the special tracking arrangement and alignment for the operation. This system is also more adaptable for solar heat recovery. The heat recovery is described and discussed in this thesis.