Crime, Community & Local TV News: Covering Crime in Philadelphia & Baltimore

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Center for Community Research & Service
News organizations make crucial decisions about what is and what is not news. The news we see as citizens constructs the frame through which we see our social environment a nd it imparts a public character to occurrences and transforms mere happenings into public events. Very often the media, particularly local television news choose crime to form a major p ortion of the newscast. What is the nature of that coverage? What might that coverage mean for the community’s cognitive map of its character? Can we develop a program to constructively engage possible changes in that coverage?
Crime, Community, Local TV news, TV news, Crime, Philadelphia, PA, Baltimore, MD
Yanich, D. (1998). Crime, Community & Local TV News: Covering Crime in Philadelphia & Baltimore. Newark, DE: Center for Community Development & Family Policy; Graduate School of Urban Affairs & Public Policy; University of Delaware .