Institutional Repository

The UDSpace Institutional Repository collects and disseminates research material from the University of Delaware.

  • Faculty, staff, and graduate students can deposit their research material directly into UDSpace. Faculty may use UDSpace to fulfill the University of Delaware Faculty Senate Open Access Resolution, and in many cases may use it to fulfill open access requirements from grant funding agencies.
  • Departments can use UDSpace to publish or distribute their working papers, technical reports, or other research material.
  • UDSpace also includes all doctoral dissertations from winter 2014 forward, and all master's theses from fall 2009 forward.

To learn more about UDSpace, and how you can make your research openly accessible to the public, visit our UDSpace Policies website.


Recent Submissions

Royalty statements, 1944-1953
(University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press, 1944) Young, Pauline A.
Pauline Young notes, undated
(University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press, 1111) Young, Pauline A.
Pauline Young notes, undated
(University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press, 1111) Young, Pauline A.
Pierians, 1951-1972
(University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press, 1951) Young, Pauline A.
Cookbook, 1974
(University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press, 1974) Young, Pauline A.