STATE MEETING OF THE COLORED CITIZENS OF CONNECTICUT, SEPTEMBER 27-28, 1854 New Haven, Sept. 30, 1854. Dear Douglass:--We held a State Meeting in the city of Middletown, Connecticut, on the 27th.and 28th ult.; the object of which was to promote the cause of our enfranchisement in this State. Rev. Beman, Senr., of Middletown, President, and Messrs. E. D. Bassett, of New Haven, and G. W. Francis, of Bridgeport, Secretaries. The meeting was well attended, and a general interest manifested on the part of the delegates representing the several counties in the State. Hence, harmony and decorum prevailed throughout all of its deliberations. What rendered the meeting of more than ordinary interest, was the fact, that the Rev. A. G. Beman, of New Haven, was to, and did, on the occasion, deliver one of his able addresses upon the past, present, and future history of the colored people in the State of Connecticut. I need not attempt to portray the able manner in which he handled the subject; for those who know him, know him better than my feeble pen could describe. We, as a people, in this State, are determined to put forth every manly effort on our part, to gain our enfranchisement. In conclusion, let me say that there cannot be too much praise given to committee and delegates of the city of Middletown, for their kind warmth and generous feeling, together with the hospitalities by the citizens generally, toward the delegates from the several counties which were represented. For all of which, the meeting voted a vote of thanks, as expressive of their gratitude on their part, to the citizens of Middletown generally. BEGINNER. Frederick Douglass' Paper, October 6, 1854.